When you submit your audio file, it's recommended that you keep a few key details in mind:
1. Do not exceed the maximum recommended playing time, per side (see table in
Bass). Longer playback times lead to a decrease in level quality
listening (volume) and dynamic qualities.
2. Place the “strongest” tracks at the beginning of each side instead of at the end. reading skills,
of the disc incisions, become smaller as the diameter decreases, getting closer
more and more in the center.
3. Provide a complete track list, including the duration of each track and each
respective side end for each side of the LP (Side A/Side B/Side C/Side D, etc.).
Also include the total running time of each side.
4. Make sure that all data provided on the track list matches the audio master,
the labels and all the inherent artistic models.
Recommended format:
WAV (Windows PCM) - uncompressed audio
Accepted bit resolutions: 16 or 24 bit
Recommended maximum execution times: